Case Study Viewer

Evonymos Ecological Library
[1] Citterio, M. et ali: Report on the concept development of the demonstration buildings in BRITA in PuBs (2005). Bringing Retrofit Innovation to Application in Public Buildings - BRITA in PuBs an Integrated Project within the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission. Report available at:
[2] Citterio, M. et ali: Report on the realisation and validation analysis of the demonstration buildings in BRITA in PuBs (2008). Bringing Retrofit Innovation to Application in Public Buildings - BRITA in PuBs an Integrated Project within the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission. Report available at:

The eligible part of the project would not have been completed in time if the project team had not secured the participation of private sponsors, such as:
- STO AG-Dracopoulos O.E.,
- Schneider Electric,
- Poseidon Monoprossopi Ltd,
who undertook financing and construction of different parts of the project,
under the general management and coordination of
- Mr. Elias Louizos of ICS DUELL Ltd.

Authors: Moissis Kourouzidis, Evonymos Ecological Library and Euphrosyne Triantis, National Technical University of Athens
