Retrofit Measure

Solar control and cooling systems

Innovation (2)
New cooling systens, more energy efficient starting to come into play. Those include:
a. Absorption cooling
b. Radiant Cooling
c. Conventional systems integrated with Bulding Management System
d. Hybrid cooling systems that by utilizing mechanical means of cooling with low energy cooling passive/natural means can provide a much more energy efficient environment and decrease the long term costs (maintenance) achieving payback in just a few years of plant operation.
Absorption Cooling - is essentially a heat pump technology driven not by electricity, but by an alternative source (natural gas, propane, solar-heated water, or geothermal-heated water). Absorption cooling may be employed to make use of renewable energy. They are usually larger than traditional chillers. Although mainly used in industrial or commercial settings, absorption

coolers are now commercially available for large residential homes.
Radiant cooling - cools a floor (radiant floor cooling) or ceiling (using radiant panels suspended from the ceiling or closely spaced embeded tubes on walls/ceiling) by absorbing the heat radiated from the rest of the space. To be effective, the panels must be maintained at a temperature very near the dew point within the space, which also must be kept dehumidified. Hence radiant cooling can be problematic for humid climates where condensation may occur.While typical air conditioning uses only convection, radiant cooling uses a combination of radiation and convection. The amount of radiant heat transfer can be as high as fifty five percent, while convection accounts for the remainder.
Chilled Water plant integrated with BMS - the chilled water is being distributed to Variable Air Volume (VAV) units. The air supply temperature is constant but Variable Frequency Drives through the BMS control the supply fans and hence the air volume needed in different areas with different loads. Also electromagnetic valves through the BMS control the chilled water supply according to demand by getting feedback from various sensors. The use of Direct Digital Control (DDC) in the BMS allows the merging of computer technology, HVAC applications, and electrical applications into one trade.This way the system is completely dynamic adjusting to different outside/inside conditions achieving higher energy efficiency with minumum operating cost.